This week, Canadian law enforcement jurisdictions will track human trafficking awareness and outreach activities and submit that data to the Alliance.
CVSA’s Deputy Executive Director Adrienne Gildea Named MCSAC Vice Chair
Adrienne Gildea, CVSA’s deputy executive director, has been selected to serve as vice chair of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee.
CVSA Now Accepting Applications for College Scholarship Awards
CVSA is now accepting college scholarship applications from high school seniors who will graduate this year and attend college as a freshman in the fall for the 2023-2024 school year.
CVSA Continues to Support U.S. DOT’s National Roadway Safety Strategy
As we commemorate the one-year anniversary of the National Roadway Safety Strategy’s launch, CVSA remains committed to eliminating crashes, fatalities and injuries on our highways, roads and streets.
Today is the Start of CVSA’s Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative in the U.S.
This week, CVSA law enforcement jurisdictions in the U.S. will track human trafficking awareness and outreach activities and events, and submit that data to the Alliance. CVSA will gather the information and report the results this summer.
CVSA Receives $5 Million State CMV Enforcement Training and Support Grant
On Jan. 3, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration announced that it awarded CVSA with a $5 million Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement Training and Support Grant/Cooperative Agreement to train and certify law enforcement individuals to conduct commercial motor vehicle safety activities, such as inspections, investigations, audits, traffic enforcement, etc.
Canada’s ELD Progressive Enforcement Period Changes Jan. 1
Effective Jan. 1, 2023, inspectors and roadside enforcement personnel in Canadian provinces and territories may begin documenting electronic logging device (ELD) violations and issuing citations to commercial motor vehicle drivers operating vehicles without a Canadian-compliant ELD.
CVSA Releases 2022 Operation Safe Driver Week Results
Officers in Canada and the U.S. pulled over more than 35,000 commercial motor vehicles and passenger vehicles and issued 26,164 warnings and citations to commercial motor vehicle drivers and passenger vehicle drivers engaging in unsafe driving behaviors, ranging from speeding to distracted driving.
CVSA Releases 2022 Brake Safety Week Results
Of the total number of the commercial motor vehicles inspected, 13.3% were placed out of service for brake-related critical vehicle inspection item violations. That also means that nearly 87% of the commercial motor vehicles inspected throughout North America during Brake Safety Week did not have brake-related critical vehicle inspection item violations.
CVSA Expands Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative from Three Days to Five
In the U.S., HTAI is scheduled for Jan. 9-13, 2023. In Canada, the HTAI dates are Feb. 20-24, 2023. And in Mexico, HTAI is set for March 13-17, 2023.
More Than 6,000 Vehicles Transporting Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods Were Inspected During CVSA’s Unannounced Five-Day Inspection Initiative
On June 13-17, commercial motor vehicle inspectors inspected 6,204 vehicles transporting HM/DG and 6,668 HM/DG packages in Canada and the U.S. for a five-day unannounced HM/DG inspection and enforcement initiative.
CVSA Announces New Enhanced CMV Inspection Program for Autonomous Truck Motor Carriers
The CVSA Board of Directors approved the launch of the Alliance’s brand-new Enhanced Commercial Motor Vehicle Inspection Program, an inspection standard and procedure designed to govern inspections of commercial motor vehicles equipped with automated driving systems – also referred to as autonomous or driverless vehicles.
CVSA Transitions to New Leadership for 2022-2023
Maj. Chris Nordloh, with the Texas Department of Public Safety, is the new president of the Alliance. Col. Russ Christoferson, with the Montana Department of Transportation, is CVSA’s vice president. And Capt. John Broers, with the South Dakota Highway Patrol, moves into his three-year term as past president. CVSA Class I Members and Class II Local Members elected Capt. John Hahn, with the Colorado State Patrol, into the position of CVSA secretary.
Nearly 800 Individuals Attend CVSA Annual Conference and Exhibition in South Dakota
CVSA members and non-members gathered at the conference to work together to improve commercial motor vehicle safety, eliminate roadway crashes, and improve inspection and enforcement uniformity, consistency and reciprocity throughout North America.
CVSA Releases 2022 International Roadcheck Results
Over the three days of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) International Roadcheck commercial motor vehicle inspection and enforcement initiative, CVSA-certified inspectors conducted 59,026 inspections and placed 12,456 commercial motor vehicles and 3,714 commercial motor vehicle drivers out of service.
CVSA Adopts Commercial Vehicle Brake Manufacturers Council
The members of the council represent North American OEM companies engaged in the manufacture and sales of commercial motor vehicle brake systems and components.
It’s Brake Safety Week
From Aug. 21-27, commercial motor vehicle inspectors in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. will be conducting their usual North American Standard Level I and IV Inspections; however, in addition, they will be documenting brake-related out-of-service violations and brake hose/tube chafing violations and will submit that data to CVSA. The results will be released later this year.
CVSA’s 2022 North American Inspectors Championship Grand Champion is Michael Trautwein with the Houston Police Department
This is the second time in NAIC history that a local member has won Grand Champion; both wins have been from the Houston Police Department.
Ruth McDonough with Hittman Transport Services is CVSA’s 2022 International Driver Excellence Award Winner
CVSA is pleased to announce that this year’s International Driver Excellence Award (IDEA) recipient is professional driver Ruth McDonough. She is a specialized commercial motor vehicle driver responsible for hauling radioactive and nuclear loads with Hittman Transport Services. During her 10-year tenure at Hittman, McDonough has traveled more than a million safe and incident-free miles. Furthermore, she has been driving large vehicles – in the military and as a commercial motor vehicle driver – for more than 40 years and approximately 4 million miles, all incident free.
It’s Operation Safe Driver Week
Operation Safe Driver Week is CVSA’s seven-day safe-driving campaign aimed at improving the driving behaviors of passenger vehicle drivers and commercial motor vehicle drivers through educational and traffic enforcement strategies and interactions with law enforcement.