Issue/Request for Action

Any government or enforcement member, associate member, or program or committee member may bring an issue to any CVSA committee, work group or task force for discussion and/or action.

If you are interested in suggesting an issue or topic for discussion and/or action, you must do so by submitting an online Issue/Request for Action (IRFA).

Submit an Issue/Request for Action.

Search the database for an Issue/Request for Action.

The IRFA official online submission system and database:

  • Ensures all important issues and concerns of the members are addressed by the appropriate committee(s)
  • Provides a record of consideration and deliberation for all members to review, especially since it is not possible to attend all committee work sessions
  • Encourages members to improve the efficiency of committee discussions by helping to clarify the issue, highlighting its relative importance to CVSA and providing background information

CVSA’s director of the inspection programs is responsible for acknowledging initial receipt of the IRFA, as well as interim responses and final notification of action(s) taken by the appropriate committee(s).