Executive Director Collin B. Mooney has selected Adrienne Gildea as CVSA’s new deputy executive director, effective Feb. 15, 2016.
Unrepaired Recalled Volvo Trucks Are to Be Placed Out of Service
FMCSA has determined that vehicles subject to Volvo trucks’ safety recall are unsafe and should be placed out of service by federal and state roadside safety inspectors.
CVSA’s 2016 International Roadcheck to Take Place June 7-9 with Special Emphasis on Tire Safety
International Roadcheck is a 72-hour period when CVSA-certified inspectors conduct inspections on large trucks and buses throughout North America.
Commercial Motor Vehicle Transportation Safety Community Gathers at 2016 CVSA Workshop
More than 500 government officials, enforcement personnel and industry representatives attended this year’s CVSA Workshop in Chicago, Illinois.
CVSA Releases 2014 Brake Safety Week Inspection Results
CVSA-certified commercial motor vehicle safety inspectors conducted 13,305 brake-system inspections on trucks and buses during Brake Safety Week.
CVSA Recognizes Law Enforcement Appreciation Day on Jan. 9
CVSA joins a number of organizations in support of law enforcement officers to promote National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.
CVSA Held its 2015 COHMED Conference
Regulation, enforcement and safety community gathered to discuss and address the unique challenges of the hazmat industry.
CVSA Releases 2014 Operation Safe Driver Week Results
Law enforcement officers pulled over 59,080 commercial and passenger vehicle drivers during the week-long enforcement and awareness campaign.
CVSA Supports ‘Toward Zero Deaths’ National Strategy Effort to Eliminate Highway Fatalities
The national strategy includes initiatives that have the potential to make a significant reduction in fatalities and serious injuries nationally, or address areas of growing concern.
‘Teens and Trucks’ on Display at Safe Driving Rally at Ironwood High School in Arizona
CVSA – along with FedEx Corporation, the Arizona Department of Public Safety and the American Trucking Associations – held a safe driving rally at Ironwood High School in Arizona to teach students safe driving practices around commercial vehicles.
CVSA’s International Roadcheck Annual Three-Day Enforcement Event to Take Place June 2-4, 2015
International Roadcheck is a 72-hour period when approximately 10,000 CVSA-certified inspectors in jurisdictions across North America perform truck and bus inspections.
Commercial Vehicle Community Gathers at 2015 CVSA Workshop
More than 550 government officials, enforcement and industry members attended this year’s CVSA Workshop.
Teens in Tennessee Learn About Safe Driving and Sharing the Roads with Large Trucks and Buses
CVSA’s “Teens and Trucks” outreach program reached more than 2,000 students at Cookeville High School in Cookeville, Tennessee.
CVSA Testifies at U.S. Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Hearing on “Future of Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety: Technology, Safety Initiatives and the Role of Federal Regulation”
CVSA President Maj. Bill Reese of the Idaho State Police testified to the Committee on behalf of the Alliance.
CVSA Attends the 2015 “Be Ready. Be Buckled.” Safety Belt Art Contest Awards Ceremony
As an active member of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Belt Partnership, CVSA attended the 2015 “Be Ready. Be Buckled.” student art contest award ceremony at the U.S. Department of Transportation headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Commercial Vehicle Inspectors Conduct Safety Inspections during 28th Annual International Roadcheck
June 2-4, inspectors throughout North America will inspect large trucks and buses as part of the International Roadcheck annual three-day enforcement event.
CVSA Announces 2015 College Scholarship Recipients
CVSA has awarded its 2015 academic scholarships to three deserving high school graduates to attend the college of their choice.
Ross Reynolds of Con-way Freight Sets a High Standard as CVSA’s First Annual International Driver Excellence Award Winner
CVSA is proud to announce the winner of its first annual International Driver Excellence Award, Ross Reynolds of Con-way Freight who has driven more than 2 million miles over nearly 40 years without an accident.
CVSA’s 2015 Annual Brake Safety Week is September 6-12
Law enforcement agencies will conduct brake-system inspections on large trucks and buses to identify out-of-adjustment brakes and brake-system violations for Brake Safety Week.
CVSA Releases Results from Operation Airbrake Unannounced Brake Check One-Day Event
On May 6, 2015, CVSA-certified inspectors checked brakes on 6,337 commercial vehicles and placed 14.2 percent out of service for brake violations.