Note: This schedule is subject to change.
March 4, 2024
04:00 PM ET - 05:30 PM ET
Event Registration and Member Services
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Statler Ballroom
March 5, 2024
07:00 AM ET - 05:00 PM ET
Event Registration and Member Services
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Statler Ballroom
07:00 AM ET - 08:30 AM ET
Networking Breakfast
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Avenue 34
08:30 AM ET - 10:00 AM ET
General Session
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Grand Ballroom A
- Event Welcome Remarks from Col. Russ Christoferson, Montana Department of Transportation, CVSA President
- Welcome Remarks for CVSA/FMCSA Data Quality and Systems Training Attendees from Holly Skaar, Idaho State Police, CVSA Information Systems Committee Chair
- Welcome Remarks for CVSA Instructor In-Service Attendees from Lt. Ronald Jenkins, Oklahoma Highway Patrol, CVSA Training Committee Chair
- Remarks from Scott Valentine, Data Quality Program Manager, Analysis Division, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
- Remarks from Philip Thomas, Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Safety, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
- Remarks from Pavan Pidugu, Chief Technology Officer, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
- Remarks from Sue Lawless, Acting Deputy Administrator, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
- Event Closing Remarks from Col. Russ Christoferson, Montana Department of Transportation, CVSA President
10:00 AM ET - 10:30 AM ET
Networking Refreshment Break
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Ballroom AB Foyer
10:30 AM ET - 12:00 PM ET
Roadside Inspection Program and Out-of-Service Criteria Development Process and Instructor Training Administrative Overview
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Grand Ballroom A
In this session participants will receive an overview of the development and maintenance of the roadside North American Standard Inspection Program and related materials. In addition, updates to the April 1, 2024 North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria (OOSC) will be provided. The National Training Center (NTC) will provide instructor maintenance information and attendees will receive instructions on how to navigate and use CVSA Learning to address training needs.
- Opening Remarks from Kerri Wirachowsky, Director of Inspection Programs, Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
- Remarks from Ben Werner, Curriculum Manager, National Training Center, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
- Closing Remarks from Shannon Heck, Director of Training Services, Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
12:00 PM ET - 01:00 PM ET
Networking Lunch (Provided)
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Avenue 34
01:00 PM ET - 04:30 PM ET
Interdiction Update
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Grand Ballroom A
Instructors: LaDonna Rogers and Kevin Andrews
Be the first to view the new Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance Interdiction Training Course. This training reflects CVSA’s vision for an interdiction training course. CVSA believes developing some basic interdiction skills will make roadside inspectors more effective in all aspects of highway and human safety. CVSA welcomes your participation and feedback.
By the end of this session, participants will:
- Understand CVSA’s vision and approach when building out this training.
- Have an opportunity to view some of the newly developed training materials.
- Have an opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions.
01:00 PM ET - 05:30 PM ET
Passenger Carrier Vehicle Inspection Update and Qualification Exam
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Georgian Room
01:00 PM ET – 01:30 PM ET
Introduction of Materials and Instructor Tips – Ron Jenkins
01:30 PM ET – 02:30 PM ET
PCVI Course Updates – Erick McGuire and Ron Jenkins
03:00 PM ET – 03:30 PM ET
PCVI Exam Instructions and Curriculum Wrap-Up – Erick McGuire
03:30 PM ET – 05:30 PM ET
01:00 PM ET - 05:30 PM ET
New Entrant Safety Audit Workshop Update and Qualification Exam
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Scollay Square
Instructors: Chris May, Thomas Huff and Joe Berrong
The New Entrant Safety Audit (NESA) Workshop is a comprehensive 3-day course that focuses on the audit process and software programs specific to the NESA program. The course is designed with the assumption that students have completed the Investigative Safety Analysis and roadside courses.
By the end of this session, attendees will have an overview of the updates to the course curriculum and learning objectives to the NESA Workshop course. Best practices and opportunities to provide feedback will also be reviewed and encouraged at this time.
Attendees who intend to complete the instructor maintenance qualifications for this course will have the last 2 hours of this session to complete the qualification exam.
01:00 PM ET - 05:30 PM ET
Other Bulk Packaging Update and Qualification Exam
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Park Room
Instructors: Roger Dickenson and Ben Schropfer
This session will introduce the curriculum developed by CVSA for the Other Bulk Packaging (OBP) course to current instructors. Several modules of the curriculum will be reviewed during the session, including modules with significant updates.
Attendees who intend to complete the instructor maintenance qualifications for this course will have the last 2 hours of this session to complete the qualification exam.
02:30 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET
Networking Refreshment and Snack Break
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Ballroom AB Foyer
March 6, 2024
07:00 AM ET - 05:00 PM ET
Event Registration and Member Services
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Statler Ballroom
07:00 AM ET - 08:00 AM ET
Networking Breakfast
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Avenue 34
08:00 AM ET - 05:30 PM ET
North American Standard Inspection Part A Update and Qualification Exam
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Georgian Room
08:00 AM ET – 08:30 AM ET
Introduction of Materials and Instructor Tips – Ron Jenkins
08:30 AM ET – 09:30 AM ET
Module 1
This session will cover updates and changes related to general applicability. Definitions, GCWR slides, interstate animations, and additional knowledge checks and photos. Level III video clips – Introduction to Inspection – Chase Livingston
09:30 AM ET – 10:00 AM ET
Module 3
This session will cover updates related to carrier identification, safety registration, and operating authority in Module 3 – Carrier Identification – Matt Epling
10:30 AM ET – 11:30 AM ET
Module 6
This session will cover updates related to hours of service in Module 6 – Hours of Service and eRODS – Keith Kerns
11:30 AM ET – 12:00 AM ET
Module 6
This session will cover updates related to false RODS in Module 6 – Hours of Service and eRODS – Ron Jenkins
01:00 PM ET – 02 :00 PM ET
Module 4 and 5
This session will cover updates related to Mexican and Canadian CDLs and additional updates in Module 4. Addition of bulletins and Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse information in Module 5 – Richard Reid
02:00 PM ET – 02:30 PM ET
Module 7 and 8
This session will cover updates related to completing the inspection in Module 7 and discussion of the work project in Module 8 – Matt Epling and Chase Livingston
03:00 PM ET – 05:30 PM ET
Part A Exam
08:00 AM ET - 05:30 PM ET
Cargo Tank Inspection Update and Qualification Exam
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Park Room
Instructors: Matt Caudill, Kris Kelsey and Steve Payne
This session will introduce the curriculum developed by CVSA for the Cargo Tank Inspection (CTI) course to current instructors. Several modules of the curriculum will be reviewed during the session, including modules with significant updates.
Attendees who intend to complete the instructor maintenance qualifications for this course will have the last 2 hours of this session to complete the qualification exam.
08:00 AM ET - 05:30 PM ET
New Entrant Safety Audit Update and Qualification Exam
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Scollay Square
Instructors: Chris May, Thomas Huff and Joe Berrong
A New Entrant Safety Audit (NESA) is an examination of a motor carrier’s operation that provides educational and technical assistance on safety and the operational requirements of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) and applicable Hazardous Materials Regulation (HMR), and to gather critical safety data needed to assess the carrier’s safety performance and basic safety management controls.
By the end of this session, attendees will have an overview of the updates to the course curriculum and learning objectives to the NESA course. Best practices and opportunities to provide feedback will also be reviewed and encouraged at this time.
Attendees who intend to complete the instructor maintenance qualifications for this course will have the last 2 hours of this session to complete the qualification exam.
10:00 AM ET - 10:30 AM ET
Networking Refreshment Break
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Ballroom AB Foyer
12:00 PM ET - 01:00 PM ET
Networking Lunch (Provided)
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Avenue 34
02:30 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET
Networking Refreshment and Snack Break
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Ballroom AB Foyer
March 7, 2024
07:00 AM ET - 03:30 PM ET
Event Registration and Member Services
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Statler Ballroom
07:00 AM ET - 08:00 AM ET
Networking Breakfast
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Avenue 34
08:00 AM ET - 05:30 PM ET
General Hazardous Materials Inspection Update and Qualification Exam
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Park Room
Instructors: Joshua Anderson, Daniel Voelker and Nicholas Wright
This session will introduce the curriculum developed by CVSA for the General Hazardous Materials Inspection (GHM) course to current instructors. Several modules of the curriculum will be reviewed during the session, including modules with significant updates.
Attendees who intend to complete the instructor maintenance qualifications for this course will have the last 2 hours of this session to complete the qualification exam.
08:00 AM ET - 05:30 PM ET
Investigative Safety Analysis Update and Qualification Exam
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Scollay Square
Instructors: Belinda Garcia, Keith Kerns and Jessica Davis
A Compliance Review is an in-depth review of a motor carrier’s compliance with the applicable safety/hazardous materials regulations. This course is designed to prepare investigators to conduct investigations and complete a quality Compliance Review in accordance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and Hazardous Materials Regulations while applying the investigator standards of the Field Operations Training Manual.
This session will review the purpose and goals of the newly developed Audits and Investigations committee as well as identify those in leadership. There will be a presentation over pre-investigation procedures to implement as best practices as well as an overview of the CVSA Learning courses available to all investigators. These courses are highly encouraged to be used as supplemental education opportunities to the content shared during CVSA Instructor In-Service.
By the end of this session, attendees will have an overview of the updates to the course curriculum and learning objectives to the ISA course. Best practices and opportunities to provide feedback will also be reviewed and encouraged at this time.
Attendees who intend to complete the instructor maintenance qualifications for this course will have the last 2 hours of this session to complete the qualification exam.
08:00 AM ET - 05:30 PM ET
North American Standard Inspection Part B Update and Qualification Exam
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Georgian Room
08:00 AM ET – 08:30 AM ET
Introduction of Materials and Instructor Tips – Rion Stann
08:30 AM ET – 09:30 AM ET
Module 2
This session will cover updates and changes related to ABS and new inspection bulletins within Module 2 – Initial Tractor Inspection – Jim Farley
09:30 AM ET – 10:00 AM ET
Module 3
This session will cover updates related to coupling devices in Module 3 – Trailer and Wheel Inspection – Kevin Adkins
10:30 AM ET – 11:30 AM ET
Module 4
This session will cover updates related to cargo securement in Module 4 – Mid-Section Inspection – Jessie Tippie
11:30 AM ET – 12:00 AM ET
Module 6
This session will cover updates related to suspension in Module 6 – Axle Inspection – Ron Jenkins
01:00 PM ET – 01:30PM ET
Module 10
This session will cover updates related to documenting violations in Module 10 – Beau Wittkowski
01:30 PM ET – 03:00 PM ET
Module 6
This session will cover updates related to inspecting hydraulic brakes in Module 6 – Eric Sundby
03:30 PM ET – 05:30 PM ET
Part B Exam
10:00 AM ET - 10:30 AM ET
Networking Refreshment Break
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Ballroom AB Foyer
12:00 PM ET - 01:00 PM ET
Networking Lunch (Provided)
Boston Park Plaza, Lobby Level, Avenue 34
03:00 PM ET - 03:30 PM ET
Networking Refreshment and Snack Break
Boston Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Ballroom AB Foyer